Hi, I'm Phil

I am a fourth-generation Idahoan. I was born and raised in Pocatello and then Boise. Today I live in Hidden Springs with my amazing wife Angella and our three kids. We feel blessed to raise our kids in a state that shares our family values.
I’m a self-described elections junkie, and my passion for elections began in 2005 counting punch cards and recruiting poll workers. Since then I have gone on to serve as a law clerk to the United States Elections Assistance Commission and have been involved in every aspect of running elections in Ada County.
As chair of the Elections Committee for the Idaho Association of County Recorders and Clerks I created and organized the first of it’s kind statewide elections conference to provide common training for all clerks across the state. During the tumultuous 2020 election, I rallied county clerks across the state to successfully lobby for a special legislative session to pass legislation that helped Idaho pull off an unprecedented election we can all be proud of.
As the elected Ada County Clerk I oversee Elections, Courts, Budget & Finance, Property Records, and Indigent Medical Assistance. With a team of 198 deputy clerks we’re often best described as the wheels and cogs of county government. I am proud of the culture we have established that is based around building trust in government, and which helped us become one of the Top 10 Best Places to Work in Idaho for the past three years.
Boise State University
Master of Public Administration
University of Denver
Juris Doctorate
University of Washington
B.A. Philosophy